Tomas is a passionate content strategist with strong knowledge of SEO principles and organic growth models. Over the last years he has been working in various lead content and SEO roles for European companies in the B2B SaaS industry, as currently he leads all content activities at Usersnap.
How do you do, fellow product managers? We spend a lot of time focusing on serious and important parts of product management, and while there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s nice to remember that the best part about being a product manager is the fun you can have with your team.
Aside from creating new, innovative, market-leading products, the other goal of any product development team is to consistently streamline and improve the way they work. This usually ends up being an entire job unto itself — and that’s why “product operations” aka ProdOps was created.
Easy Modularity: The Best Approach to Product Management
Here at airfocus, we think that's a backward approach to building useful PM tools. Instead, we offer a modular solution that gives you the tools you need. Here's how easy modularity plays a role in making airfocus great.
Everything You Need To Know About Product Competitors
Product competition is whenever one product is directly competing with another product to fill a particular consumer need. For instance, if two products both solve a consumer's need to cook steak, then these are product competitors.
How To Use airfocus Custom Views to Supercharge Your Workspace
Here at airfocus, we're always working to improve our service and bring you the best features. And in this post, we're going to touch on one of the features that make airfocus so great: Custom views.
Product design is an essential part of building world-class products, but with so many product design software options out there, how can you pick the right one for your product? We’ve got you covered with this list of the 5 besst design software tools and their pros and cons.
Why You Shouldn't Be Using Excel for Roadmap Templates and 6 Better Alternatives
Excel may 'excel' in so many things, but it’s hardly the best tool for product managers' roadmapping needs. Here are 6 better alternatives, that are guaranteed to make you ditch your Excel roadmaps.
The Role of a PM in a Startup, Mid-size and Big Company
More agency and hands-on? or less agency with a bigger scope? The role of a product managers and their responsibilities can vary greatly depending on the size of the organization of which they are part.
How to Use the Product Prioritization Matrix (With Templates)
You can successfully organize all of your tasks/items using a prioritization matrix in one afternoon once you and your team get the hang of it. Learn more about how this tool works in this article.
How To Write a Job Description for a Product Operations Manager
ProdOps is a relatively new field within product management. So it follows that few hiring managers are schooled in what a product operations job description should actually look like.
How to Run a Product Discovery Workshop (With Templates and Examples)
As many, if not all, product managers will agree: the first stage of product development is often the most crucial. To help speed things up and ensure that no stone goes unturned, you can use a product discovery workshop to guide this early phase of development.
7 Product Management Case Studies To Live and Learn By
Want to learn from other product managers with remote teams? Looking for tips on the best way to prioritize? Why make avoidable mistakes when you can learn from what’s worked well for other product managers?
To help out with that, we’ve put together a collection of product management case studies.
User Feedback: The Tools, Questions, and Examples You Should Know About
Often, the names ‘customer’ and ‘user’ are switched in and out interchangeably. However, in the world of product management, these two are not always the same. The customer isn’t always the one using your product and the user isn’t always the one paying, especially when it comes to enterprise product design.
Sustainability is a top-two product development priority for less than half of tech product leaders. Unfortunately, there are some roadblocks that are stopping tech developers from being able to realize their full, eco-friendly potential. Sustainability in product design is not just possible, but it’s definitely in our future. The question is about just how soon we can get there.
The now, next, later roadmap helps teams to clearly communicate priorities and timeframes. It’s perfectly suited to fast-paced environments with ever-changing priorities, like businesses that use agile methodologies. Teams can quickly and easily keep stakeholders in the loop with any roadmap fluctuation by using now, next, later roadmaps.
Bandwidth Uses airfocus To Improve Collaboration and Increase Product Roadmap Transparency
Global cloud platform Bandwidth is using airfocus to create and share product roadmaps, providing greater transparency around priorities and improving collaboration among its 50+ product teams.
Best Product Management Podcasts You Need to Stream Today
A product manager's world is constantly evolving and shifting. The best product managers consistently have ideas brewing, with exciting new innovations on the way. That’s why it’s so important to keep up with the industry, and the latest trends and updates.
SMART Goals for Stress Management: A Product People’s Guide
Dealing with stress can be a difficult task for anyone — but for product managers, it can be that little bit more intense. Not only are you trying to deal with your own stress, but it can also fall to you to help manage your teammates’ stress levels too.
What You Need To Know About Product Management Salaries in 2022
It’s no surprise that so many people want to become product managers. The career offers a chance to make a difference in the world, and the salary isn’t bad either!
By the end of this article, you will have learned exactly how a product manager's salary is decided and be able to set accurate salary expectations.
4 Need-to-Know Steps + 8 Methods for a Customer Feedback Strategy
In this article you will learn 8 methods/strategies for collecting customer feedback + don't forget to download our customer feedback eBook if you are interested in this topic.
Everything You Need To Know About Product Owners, Product Operations, and Product Managers
Trying to understand the difference between “product managers,” “product owners,” and “product operations” can be tough. Let's dive deep into this topic in this article.
4 Tips for Creating a Successful Executive Engagement Strategy
In this post, we’re going to look at how to influence and communicate with important executives from a product manager perspective… especially if you want to implement a new product management tool across your company.
In this blog post, we’ll look at the challenges of collecting user ideas, the benefits of collecting ideas internally, and how Forms can help you make the process a cinch.
A DevOps roadmap helps both teams better organize their time and prioritize their work. Each team can see when the other will be delivering something that needs its attention. To know more benefits of this roadmap read our article.
OKRs ensure that objectives become tangible targets with provable outcomes instead of vague ambitions with no clear start or endpoint. How to work and think about them you will find out in this article.
Are you a product owner or you're just interested in how agile backlog prioritization works? Feel free to read the article with our tips to save your time!
Are there any Aha! alternatives out there? And if so, which of them are worth your time? Don’t worry — we’ve done the hard work, so you can just read and choose from our article.
Creating a roadmap is really an exercise in information design; it requires the deliberate use of visual elements in conjunction with copy to help your vision become an actionable plan. Let’s take a look at some design tips to get you on your way.
Product Management Trends and Challenges in 2022 – A Product Coach Perspective With Lisa Mo Wagner
We have asked each roundtable participant to write a blog post ahead of the event and next up is Lisa Mo Wagner, product coach at codecentric AG. Read on to learn her take on product management trends for 2022.
Easy To Use Project Plan Templates for Busy Product Managers
Whether you’re prioritizing items, or getting a new innovation market-ready, a project plan template will help you deliver on time, on budget, and on scope.