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21 Sep 2023

Your Guide to Backlog: Product vs. Sprint Backlog


“Backlog management is the art of turning chaos into clarity, uncertainty into focus, and ideas into reality.”

It is the art of keeping the focus on what truly matters while embracing the agility to adapt and iterate along the way. Backlog management is a critical aspect of project and product development that plays a pivotal role in ensuring smooth and efficient workflows. It involves the organized handling of tasks, issues, and requirements that are yet to be completed, enabling teams to prioritize and tackle them effectively. By keeping track of outstanding work items, backlog management helps teams maintain focus, enhance productivity, and deliver value to customers in a timely manner.

In the realm of Agile methodologies, two key types of backlogs are commonly utilized: the Product Backlog and the Sprint Backlog. Both these backlogs serve distinct purposes and contribute to the overall success of Agile projects.

This article aims to compare and contrast the product backlog and sprint backlog, highlighting their unique characteristics, roles, and significance within Agile development.


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Definition and purpose of product backlog

Product backlog is a treasure trove of possibilities, waiting to be transformed into valuable products and experiences. It is the heartbeat of a product, pulsating with the ever-evolving needs and expectations of its users.

Product Backlog is a dynamic and prioritized list of features, functionalities, enhancements, and bug fixes that constitute the requirements for a product or project. It serves as a central repository for capturing, organizing, and managing the various items that need to be implemented and delivered. The primary purpose of the product backlog is to act as a comprehensive and living document that captures the product's requirements. Another crucial purpose of the product backlog is to drive the product development process. It enables the team to break down the overall vision and goals into manageable user stories or tasks that can be implemented incrementally.

One key aspect of product backlog management is the continuous refinement and reordering process. As the product evolves, new requirements may emerge, existing ones may change, and some may become obsolete. The product owner, in collaboration with stakeholders and the development team, regularly reviews and refines the items in the product backlog. This ongoing refinement ensures that the product backlog remains up-to-date, relevant, and aligned with the changing needs of the product and its stakeholders.

Backlog is too big

Elements and characteristics of product backlog

A typical product backlog consists of various components that collectively define and shape the product's requirements. These elements provide structure, clarity, and guidance to the development team, facilitating effective planning and execution. Some of the key components found in a product backlog include user stories, acceptance criteria, and epics.

User stories are concise, user-centric descriptions of desired product functionality or features. They are written from the perspective of the end-user and capture the "who," "what," and "why" of a particular requirement. Well-defined user stories include clear and specific descriptions, acceptance criteria, and often a prioritization based on their importance.

Acceptance criteria are the specific conditions or requirements that must be met for a user story to be considered complete. They provide clarity and enable objective evaluation of the implemented functionality. Acceptance criteria serve as a measurable definition of "done" and help ensure that the desired outcomes and expectations are met.

Epics, on the other hand, are larger bodies of work that encompass multiple related user stories. They represent a significant feature or functionality that may require further decomposition into smaller, more manageable user stories.

Constant prioritization, grooming, and estimating are vital characteristics of a well-maintained Product Backlog. The prioritization of items ensures that the most valuable and impactful requirements are addressed first.

Grooming the product backlog involves refining and clarifying the user stories, epics, and other items within the backlog. This process includes adding details, breaking down larger items, reordering the backlog based on priority, and removing or reevaluating items that are no longer relevant or valuable. Estimating the effort and value of items in the product backlog provides the team with insights into the complexity and expected impact of each requirement. Estimation helps with resource allocation, release planning, and understanding the potential development timeline.

In summary, a well-defined product backlog consists of elements such as user stories, acceptance criteria, and epics. User stories foster a shared understanding among stakeholders, while acceptance criteria ensure clarity and provide measurable definitions of completion.

Definition and purpose of a sprint backlog

The sprint backlog is a subset of items selected from the product backlog for implementation during a specific time frame known as a sprint. It is a detailed plan that outlines the tasks, user stories, and technical requirements that the development team commits to completing within the sprint. The primary purpose of the sprint backlog is to provide a focused and achievable plan for the development team during a sprint. It serves as a guide that helps the team understand the work to be done and facilitates efficient collaboration and coordination.

The sprint backlog plays a crucial role in achieving the sprint goals and delivering increments of the product. By selecting a subset of items from the product backlog based on their priority and business value, the team can deliver tangible results at the end of each sprint. Moreover, the sprint backlog facilitates transparency and visibility within the development team and across stakeholders. It enables everyone involved to understand what is being worked on and what progress is being made.

In summary, the sprint backlog is a detailed plan that outlines the tasks and user stories selected from the product backlog for implementation during a sprint. Its purpose is to provide the development team with a focused and achievable plan, guiding their efforts and facilitating collaboration.

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Elements and characteristics of a sprint backlog

The creation process of a Sprint Backlog occurs during the sprint planning phase, where the development team collaborates with the product owner to select and prioritize items from the product backlog for implementation.

During sprint planning, the development team decomposes user stories from the product backlog into smaller, more manageable tasks. This decomposition helps break down the work into actionable items that can be completed within the sprint's time frame.

Effort estimation is an integral part of the sprint backlog creation process. The development team assigns effort estimates to each task, typically using techniques such as story points, ideal days, or other relative sizing methods. Estimating effort helps the team understand the complexity and expected effort required to complete each task. It assists in capacity planning, resource allocation, and setting realistic expectations for the sprint.

Once the tasks are decomposed and effort estimates are assigned, the team collaboratively assigns work to individual team members during sprint planning. This assignment process ensures that the workload is distributed effectively, taking into account individual expertise, availability, and capacity. The sprint backlog has a collaborative nature, promoting team alignment and transparency.

In summary, the sprint backlog creation process involves decomposing user stories, estimating effort, and assigning work. It is a collaborative effort that fosters team alignment, transparency, and shared understanding.

Key differences between product backlog and sprint backlog

The product backlog and the sprint backlog are two distinct types of backlogs in Agile development, each serving different purposes and catering to different time frames.

One of the primary differences lies in their focus and scope. The product backlog is oriented towards the overall product vision and long-term planning. It encompasses the entire range of features, functionalities, enhancements, and bug fixes that contribute to the development of the product. On the other hand, the sprint backlog is time-bound and specific to a particular sprint. It consists of a subset of items selected from the product backlog that the development team commits to completing within the sprint's time frame.

Another key difference between the two backlogs is the level of detail and granularity they possess. The product backlog typically contains high-level items, such as epics and user stories, that capture the broader requirements and functionalities of the product. In contrast, the sprint backlog includes more detailed and granular tasks derived from the selected user stories.

In summary, the product backlog and sprint backlog differ in their focus, time frame, and level of detail. The product backlog caters to the overall product vision and long-term planning, while the sprint backlog is specific to a sprint, addressing short-term goals. The product backlog captures high-level requirements, while the sprint backlog provides a more detailed and granular view of tasks to be accomplished.

Large backlog


In agile software development, both the product backlog and the sprint backlog play integral roles in the successful delivery of products. Throughout this article, we have explored the definition, purpose, elements, and characteristics of these two types of backlogs, as well as the key differences between them.

The product backlog serves as a central repository for capturing and managing the product's requirements. It focuses on the overall product vision, long-term planning, and stakeholder expectations. On the other hand, the sprint backlog is specific to a sprint and provides a detailed plan for the development team. It encompasses a subset of items from the product backlog, breaking them down into smaller tasks that can be completed within the sprint's time frame.

In conclusion, the product backlog and the sprint backlog are vital tools in agile software development. The product backlog focuses on the overall product vision and long-term planning, while the sprint backlog provides a detailed plan for the current sprint. Both backlogs contribute to the success of products by aligning work with goals, facilitating effective planning and execution, and promoting collaboration.

airfocus author: Vishal Chaudhary

Vishal Chaudhary

Product Manager and Product Coach @ AppDirect @ AppDirect
Vishal Chaudhary is a product manager and a product coach with over 10+ years of experience in building many successful products along with some failures under his belt. Vishal loves to write about product management, best practices and strategic case studies. He contributes to the product community by building some awesome educational and coaching products at
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