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  • What are Pageviews

What are Pageviews


Definition of Pageviews

In broad terms, pageviews are every instance that a particular page on a website has been loaded, or reloaded.

In slightly more complex terms, it is the number of times a ‘page’ file is requested. As such, individual viewers or users can generate multiple pageviews, as they move around a site or reload pages. 


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Pageviews do offer an idea of how popular individual web pages are, but the metric does need to be viewed in partnership with other analytics. For example, high pageviews from individual visitors or returning visitors might indicate that people struggle to find what they are looking for immediately.

What are Pageviews

General FAQ

What is the difference between a pageview and a unique visitor?
The difference between pageviews and unique visitors is more straightforward than you might expect: Pageviews refer to the number of times in which a page on a website is viewed or refreshed across a set period of time (one week, one month, etc.). Unique visitors are counted as users who visit a site within a specific period, but if they do so on multiple occasions, this is still counted as just one unique visit. For example, a website selling high-demand gig tickets may receive millions of pageviews from only a few thousand unique visitors, as visitors will be constantly refreshing the page to try and gain access to the booking page.
What is user page depth?
User page depth measures the number of pages a visitor views during a single session. A page depth of just one or two pages may indicate a low level of engagement, while depths of multiple pages suggest a site makes a stronger impact.
How do you check how many pageviews your website has?
Multiple tools allow you to see the number of pageviews your website has, such as Similar Web, SEMrush, or Google Analytics.
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How To Use Customer Feedback for Business Growth
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