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Webhooks for airfocus

Use webhooks to stay up-to-date with your work. Receive automated updates
from airfocus and customize them to meet your needs.

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Trusted by thousands of product teams
from all industries

Real-time updates to third-party apps
with webhooks

Real-time updates to <br class="hide-on-small-medium-large" /> third-party apps

Real-time updates to
third-party apps

airfocus webhooks allow you to send real-time updates to third-party apps like Slack or MS Teams. You decide which updates get sent to which channel.
Close the feedback loop <br class="hide-on-small-medium-large" /> automatically

Close the feedback loop

By automating updates on status changes to customer-facing teams you save valuable time. Simply integrate with the tool your team uses already.
Easy to set up with no <br class="hide-on-small-medium-large" /> coding required

Easy to set up with no
coding required

Webhooks are easy to configure from many third-party apps. You need no coding skills in order to set them up.

How it works

Send customizable HTTP requests

Send customizable HTTP requests

Specify which airfocus events should trigger a webhook. When an event occurs, specify what should be sent and where it should be sent.
Add multiple webhooks to a given workspace

Add multiple webhooks to a given workspace

You want to send specific status updates to different channels on Slack or MS Teams? No problem with multiple webhooks per workspace.
Specify the request options to your needs

Specify the request options to your needs

Choose your placeholder format and method for your webhook. You can also add headers to your request when you need it.
Craig Unsworth, [object Object] - Papirfly

"With airfocus we built a unified setup for 32 products and over 300 services in just 12 months (instead of 2-3 years). The power of the tool helped us navigate this complex transformation by providing constant clarity around our product vision & strategy."

Craig Unsworth,
CPO - Papirfly

Discover more integrations

Connect the tools you love to save time and keep everyone in sync.
Jira, Trello, Azure DevOps, Shortcut, Asana, Zapier, and more.
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