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Modern Product Management and the Importance of an Outcome-based Approach

Product is integral to many organizations, and yet our recent survey with more than 600 responses reveals that a majority of PMs think that their organization is output-focused instead of outcome-focused, and that the company board doesn’t understand and value product management practice. This report is brought to you by airfocus and Product Collective.
airfocus report: Modern Product Management and the Importance of an Outcome-based Approach - cover
A co-production between airfocus and Product Collective
airfocus co-production report: Product Collective Logo cover

What's covered?

Organizations have not quite adapted to the outcome-focused movement

While most product managers understand how important it is to be more outcome-focused, their organizations are yet to follow the same mindset.

Focusing on features will restrict an organization’s success

With more than half of respondents believing that focusing on features means their organization cannot stay ahead of the competition, it’s clear that switching to an outcome-based approach is long overdue.

Many company boards don’t value product management and give it enough resources

With the practice of product management so widespread, one might think that the role of product management within an organization is highly valued. That's not necessarily always the case.
airfocus report: Modern Product Management and the Importance of an Outcome-based Approach - content
Our hope is that the report not only helps clarify what an outcome-based approach to product management can look like, but that it also provides you with the tools you need to make this approach a reality within your organization, from the front lines all the way up to the executive suite.
airfocus author: Mike Belsito
Mike Belsito
Co-founder of Product Collective
There is still much work to do until more product teams can be truly “outcome-focused”. We hope this research could offer teams some provoking statistics and helpful guidance to improve board communication around product.
airfocus author: Malte Scholz
Malte Scholz
Co-founder, CEO & CPO of airfocus

About this report

airfocus report: Modern Product Management and the Importance of an Outcome-based Approach - information

In this research, we gathered insights from 615 individuals working in product management at organizations of varying sizes. Most respondents worked in companies employing more than 1,000 people (28%), but there was also good representation in organizations with between 200 and 1,000 employees (21%) and 51 to 200 employees (23%). Around two-thirds of respondents worked in software/technology, but Financial Services (FS) and retail were well represented.

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A co-production between
airfocus and Product Collective
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