Trello is the #1 collaborative task management tool for teams. When we ask people why they love Trello, the answer is usually the same: 'Trello has revolutionized the way we manage tasks and has made us much more productive!'
So Trello is great to get stuff done. But how do you decide on the best course of action when tasks and projects are piling up?
People have found creative ways to sort out their Trello priorities, mostly applying intuition and common sense. While this approach works for smaller to-do lists, relying solely on intuition is a risky method when it comes to large-scale and costly projects. The airfocus Power-Up is here to help you prioritize your Trello cards and build more effective roadmaps.
According to Gartner research, every year, between $300 and $600 billion dollars invested in IT deployments in North America is wasted due to ineffective prioritization.
To eliminate this waste, you need structured prioritization scoring that takes the bigger picture into account. This will help you to define a priority-based roadmap so you can make sure you're doing the right things at the right time.
Let's say you're developing and marketing an elegant mobile app. A project like this usually has several moving parts, all with their own lists of tasks and requirements: Customers and partners have feature requests, you need to decide on how to best spend your marketing dollars, and then there are always your special projects that fight for attention and resources. In order to execute efficiently, you need to know how to prioritize. Which features have the biggest impact? Which campaigns should be cut? What steps need to come first? This can be hard to track and communicate, especially if you're working with multiple teams using different tools or apps to manage workflows.
Reminder: airfocus is a solution for teams to prioritize projects, features, and initiatives and build more effective roadmaps.
airfocus is now offered as a seamless Power-Up so that teams using Trello can focus on the most important stuff. By syncing tasks and priority scores from one tool to another, you'll never drop the ball on a project again!
The airfocus Trello Power-Up gives you two main advantages.
Prioritize your strategic Trello cards more effectively
Visually communicate priorities and roadmaps to your team right in Trello
Firstly, integrate your Trello board(s) with airfocus to identify your priorities with an easy-to-use scoring system. You don't know much about product prioritization? No worries. User guidance is an essential part of the airfocus product experience.
airfocus is all about giving you helpful visualizations so you can make informed and more objective decisions. Our simple drag'n drop functionality for presentation-ready roadmaps allows you to seamlessly communicate prioritization decisions and get your entire team aligned.
Secondly, an essential part of roadmapping is to help your team understand what a priority is. With the airfocus Power-Up, you can display the airfocus priority scores on Trello card covers so your team can determine what's most important at a glance. No more switching software to figure out the next steps. Being able to see the airfocus priority and roadmap visualizations right in the Trello dashboard vastly improves communication and clarity within your team.
By plugging airfocus into Trello, your team will be better aligned and equipped to tackle priority work without having to read through outdated workspaces or strategy slides. Both systems revolve around giving the user easy visibility into what is happening in their business — and moving things forward.
Let airfocus and Trello save you precious time and money so you can spend it wisely elsewhere.
Getting started with airfocus takes minutes. Add the airfocus Power-Up from the Trello Power-Up menu and follow the instructions.
Malte Scholz